Artículo publicado en la revista Mexicon, The Journal of Mesoamerican Studies, volumen XXXII, número 6, correspondiente al mes de diciembre de 2011, ISSN 0720-5988, Bovenden, Alemania.
Daniel Schávelzon
Caballito Blanco, Oaxaca, un estudio del sitio y de su observatorio
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At the little known site of Caballito Blanco, Oaxaca, there is a five-sided structure (Building O) which greatly resembles Building J from Monte Alban, famous for its design in the form of an arrow-head; however, it has remained almost unknown despite its proximity and easy access. This construction is minutely studied together with the other extant buildings at the site, their orientation and characteristics. The area was first studied by John Paddock in 1959 and 1960, and no other interventions or surveys were conducted there ever since, despite the area is being destroyed by henequen plantations.